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Tom Reel, Staff / San Antonio Express-News Show More Show Less 5 of6Īfter years of playing wide receiver, Texas’ Brenden Schooler returns to the secondary and his natural position of safety. Tom Reel / Staff photographer Show More Show Less 4 of6ĭenzel Okafor checks the scoreboard at the UT Orange-White Spring Game at DKR Stadium on April 21, 2018. Longhorn tight end Cade Brewer recovers his balance after a catch downfield as Texas plays Colorado in the Alamo Bowl at the Alamodome on Dec. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton) Chuck Burton /Associated Press Show More Show Less 3 of6 Texas' Cameron Dicker (17) watches his last-second winning field goal against Kansas State during the second half of an NCAA college football game in Austin, Texas, Saturday, Nov.

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(Photo by Tim Warner/Getty Images) Tim Warner / Getty Images Show More Show Less 2 of6 AUSTIN, TEXAS - SEPTEMBER 25: Josh Thompson #9 of the Texas Longhorns celebrates with teammates after an interception return for a touchdown in the second quarter against the Texas Tech Red Raiders at Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium on Septemin Austin, Texas.

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